Viola Spolin’s Theater Games and Improvisation
Thursdays: 6:30-9:30
This class focuses on the “who, what and where” of improvisation. Students will be more aware of thinking on their feet and working in an ensemble. Character and voice work is emphasized as well. Students learn to use their bodies and voices to communicate who they are. They become aware of where they are and what is in the space. They learn that they are always doing something in the space as someone who has a reason to be there. They learn how to keep a scene going by using certain words.
The last hour and a half we work on individual audition work from plays. If there are younger kids, they may choose to leave at 8:00 before the individual work but most of the kids do both.
This is always a popular class as everyone works at all times. We will finish the session with a showcase to show parents and friends our skills. This class is $60, materials provided.
Audition and Monologue Preparation
Thursdays: 8:00-9:30
This class focuses on the techniques used to cut a monologue from a play for audition purposes. The student learns how to decide what age range he could play. Then I find a play that would work. They learn how to read the play to start making character choices based on the text. I supply the plays and I also do the cut for them but give them a choice. I approach this work using Michael Chekhov’s physical Techniques, Stella Adler’s idea of using the character in the situation in the text and Strasburg’s affective sensory details. I focus on voice and using the voice their character would use. We experiment with different voices by just focusing on from where the voice is resonating. I make the students familiar with what happens at an audition. We actually become each other’s teachers. If time permits we may also work on a song for audition purposes, but then again, that might be another class. This class will also have a showcase at the end of the 10 weeks showing their work.
Adult Scene Study and Monologue Preparation
Saturdays: 3:00-5:00
Classes are ongoing and admission is on a rolling basis so students may enter at any time and fit right in. Classes are limited to usually 10-13.
The adult class combines improvisation and audition and monologue together. We will focus on character work. I will show how to use the different theater methods as a toolbox for our character work. Once again, I will provide the materials and teach how to cut a piece from the text for an audition. This class is limited to 10. This class is $50, materials provided.
Private Sessions
Also I provide private sessions for individuals needing private work for college or professional auditions or any auditions. The rate is hourly; right now it is and has been $100.00/hour–I provide plays and other materials needed as well as advice as to what schools to audition for.
Please contact me at or 609-220-7537.