Acting Through a Process, Driving For Perfection, Performing With a Passion

With a Passion
Whether you were born a child prodigy, or whether you’ve never acted a day in your life, Renee’s Studio can help you achieve your acting dreams. Renee’s approach teaches acting as a craft with a process. From high school to Broadway, Renee provides actors of all caliber with the tools they need to be successful.
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call us! 609-220-7537 or email rrweisband@aol.com
Viola Spolin’s Theater Games and Improvisation

This student class focuses on the “who, what and where” of improvisation.
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This class focuses on techniques used to cut a monologue from a play for auditions.
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The adult class combines improvisation, audition, and monologue together.
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Become a Star

From helping a child perform well in their school play, to college conservatory, to Broadway or the silver screen, Renee’s Studio teaches the finer points of improvisation, monologue, auditioning, and even writing and producing original works. There is something for everyone at Renee’s Studio. Get ready to become a star!
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